Nice To meet You

About me

Undeniably, it was a great luck of mine to know, since very early age, what I wanted to be when I grow up: a scientist!

However there was no science that I was taught at school, no law of physics or mathematics that was able to explain all these feelings that were governing my behaviour. I could see that others were also having feelings, some times different, some times the same, and sometimes they were acting in inexplicable manners that they were even unaware of! How was that possible? At least the grown ups..they should know. Their lives were affected and they couldn't see how!

Parents and teachers had little to say in explanation of my questions. My main information source, an encyclopaedia of 10 volumes, bought in 1979 when I was born, didn't give me any good answers on the subject. In this small village of a greek Island during the 80's, I was even lucky to have a small school library. Literature, was initially a door to the human inner experience and it was fascinating reading the thought process of the characters followed by actions! A whole new invisible world.

Finally, early at high school, I heard the word: Psychology! I was indeed going to become a scientist!

It was a disaster, my parents believed I would never get a job and I will go to waste. Μy teachers tried to discourage me from pursuing studies in psychology as there was no real profession out there, no other student or anyone I knew was finding this idea of mine a good one. But I had no choice!

To this day, 25 years after high school, I still vote for psychology as my ticket for development, understanding and learning what fascinates me the most: Human experience! Most importantly, I cherish, the ability it gives be to stand next to people's most sacred moments and experiences, helping them to make this little time we have on earth, the best experience possible!

What an honour!

«Γηράσκω δ’ αιεί πολλά διδασκόμενος»

"Always learning more as I grow older"

Panteion University, Athens, GR

Barchelor's in Psychology 1998-2004

University of Central Lancashire, UK

Msc in Child Psychology and Development. 2015-2017



Professional Bodies

Member of European Association of Psychotherapy(europsyche) holding the European Certificate of Psychotherapy

Member of Greek Psychologists Association since 2006

Member of Greek Family Therapy Association

HCPC pending accreditation as a practitioner psychologist in UK

Systemic And Family Therapy 2004-2008

4 year training that gave me the ability to work with individuals, couples and families in therapy and counceling.

Basic Training in CRM 2019

Innovative trauma therapy model using a mixture of deep relaxation, breathwork and somatic therapy tools.

Life coach and ecotherapy Training 2022 by University of West Attica Member of


We are meeting wherever you are

Over the last decade I have been working mostly remotely in an efford to implement a work and life balance as a frequent traveller. Working with people from different parts of the world, various sociocultural and economic backround has been valuable to my experience as a therapist and my ability to match with online sessions the efficacy of in person therapy.