Individual Therapy

Psychotherapy is a system of supporting deep , broad and resilient change.

A person is seeing as a psychosocial system that is constantly interacting with environment. Physical and emotional procedures are all affected by the quality of the relationships that the environment is fostering, personal, family or social.

In therapy we work on the roles this person has learned to play and interact with, we look deeply into the patterns of communication and emotional interaction and we also aim to recognise myths and unprocessed dysfunctions that are carried along from even previous generations

Psychotherapy today, gives us the hope of a change that is possible! Immense variety of tools that help us understand, connect and interfere are in our disposal and the role of the therapist is to use them wisely.

Most important aspect of therapy is that it nests in a very special and elaborate relationship: The therapeutic relationship. In this safe place, the person is able to bring the most vulnerable parts and also find space to recognise and treat the emotional deficiencies that are emerging in close and important relationships. Gradually this becomes a corrective experience that heals, restores traumatised parts of self, allows hidden emotions to express, being recognised and eventually regulated.

The result is an empowered and intergraded sense of self, with broader emotional repertoire and internal security. The person is allowed to deal with reality with strength, flexibility, clarity and freedom of choice, and trust to the internal indicators. Flexibility and clarity will be decisive to emotional and physical resilience as it allows a person's strengths to actually be utilised through life's hills and valleys.

Self Discovery & Goal Setting

Although this part is inherent of psychotherapy it is more common to connect psychotherapy with problem solving.

Despite that idea, therapy is actually discovery and rearrangement enhanced with new skills.

Imagine that you are entering an old storage where you kept putting things for a long time. In therapy it's like having someone with you with a torch, shedding light on each of those things and helping you think on what to do with each one of them. After things are sorted, you have a new, arranged storage and you can decide how it can serve a better purpose from now on.

When should I call?

. ●You are in a moment in life that decisions need to be made

● You believe that you have difficulties that interfere with your dreams.

● You don't have dreams or you are having a hard time to imagine your self in the future.

● You believe that none of your dreams can come true and everything in life is not accessible to you.

● You need direction and assistance to prioritise your goals.

● You want to do many things but failing to follow through.

● You want to change your profession or lifestyle to something more suitable and fulfilling.


Reasons To Try Therapy

Relationship Difficulties

Relationships are a major part of our life experience and quality. Frequently, issues that we encounter again and again in our relationships with partners, family or friends, are due to our difficulty to recognise our dysfunctional patterns, express our emotions in constructive ways or set boundaries.

In therapy we work on our "relationship status" and we try help in creating fulfilling and lasting relationships with clean boundaries and flexible space for all the emotions.

When should I call?

● Your relationships keep failing in a similar manner.

● Your are in a relationship that you know it's damaging, but you can't break out.

● You are unable to set boundaries and you end up sucked in the zone of other people's convenience.

● You are in an abusive relationship.

● You tend to have unstable, high conflict and high drama relationships.

● You find it hard to establish any relationship.

● You would like to be a better friend, a better partner, a better parent and enjoy life's meaningful relationships.


Reasons To Try Therapy

Adjustment Shock

Life will certainly bring us in places that we didn't expect, we were not prepared for or no matter how prepared we thought we were, when we actually get there, it is just too much.

That could be a break up, a divorce, a re-location, a new job, a new child, a new partner, or even a loss of a loved one!

These times, it might feel that anything we thought that it worked for us, it doesn't, and the world is like a new place that we have no idea how to navigate in it.

Pain, confusion and the fear that this emotional state will never change are dominant.

When should I call?

● You feel that all you can do is not enough to get you out of this emotional state

● You are in a time sensitive situation and you can't just wait around until you get better

● The intensity of your emotions are clearly confusing your decision making.

● You need to take responsibility of dependants and you are in a bad shape.

● You might have taken medication but you are still as puzzled

● You have no idea how to proceed in life and you feel lost.

● You need to create new purpose


Reasons to Try Therapy

Any Mental Health OR Mood Disorder

If you believe that you have any mental health disorder or you have had a diagnosis, it is of great importance to start therapy.

You might be in medication, but with therapy you don't just try to feel better, you work on the issues and dysfunctional patterns which are contributing to the severity and of a mental health disorder.

Therapy helps to practically adjust your reality to your needs and provides support to broaden your options.

Mental health disorders lead to a very specific and narrow lifestyle that most of the times does not really serve the individual's needs. Thus the person stays in confinement, deprivation, with many negative feelings that have no way to be expressed and valued. This is the part that medication, however effective, cannot help.

Most importantly therapy helps to change the sense of self, from defective to able for a good and satisfying living.

Check out here the types of mental health disorders:

When should I call?

. ● You have serious disturbances in your main bio functions: Food, Sleep, Relaxation and Activity cycle

.● When there are intense emotions that don't seem to be related with an environmental trigger.

● When your thoughts become intense, illogical, dark or scary and seem out of control.

● When you actually have had a diagnosis and you have never been to therapy before.

● If you have a relapse and the symptons of any kind are intense.

● If you are going through a tough period and you are afraid of relapse.

● If you want to take really good care of your self and have decided to take control of your life.


Reasons To Try Therapy

Any Mental Health OR Mood Disorder

Past and Current Trauma, PTSD

Trauma is not a bad memory. It is everything that our body carries like it is part of our flesh, all the emotions, reactions, sensations and feelings of a traumatic event. A part of ourself is created, with several technics made for us to endure. The problem is that even when this situation has passed we are thinking and feeling, we are acting and reacting with the technics that we have built to endure trauma. That is a problem because we can't live and enjoy life as we are living in fear. and because we can't seperate the safety from the danger as everything feels like danger. On the top of that danger is kind of familiar, thus, attracting, even if we are trying really hard to avoid it. Trauma in therapy becomes revealed in a safe environment that allows healing.

When should I call?

. ● You are suffering from memories of traumatic events or flashbacks that affect your everyday life activities and sleep.

● You are leaving in emotions that do not really reflect to the reality of your life.

● You are leaving restricted from the fear of being traumatised.

● You find it hard to separate who is bad for you and who is not, you are taking it out to your loved ones.

● You have tendency to addictions to come with intense feelings.

● You have anger issues, high anxiety levels, extreme sadness or sleep disturbances.

● You're considering or implementing self harm or suicide. have serious disturbances in your main bio functions: Food, Sleep, Relaxation and Activity cycle

.● You have been waiting for a long time to pass or to make it by your self and it clearly doesn't work


Reasons To Try Therapy


Anxiety disorder manifests in feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness, accompanied by sweatiness, restlessness, tension, and rapid heartbeat.

While anxiety is a normal reaction to stress, people who suffer from anxiety disorder may find the physical and mental symptoms overwhelming to the extent that they can't manage their life day-to-day.

When should I call?

Your anxiety affects your daily life.

Your health is suffering from repeat anxiety attacks.

You're unable to talk to your loved ones about your anxiety.

You want to understand what causes your anxiety.

● You want to learn how to control your anxiety better.


Common disorders


The main problem with depression is that it usually takes a lot of time before treatment starts. Most people would like to believe that it would be of their benefit and of strenghening procedure when

Depression is a serious disorder of the brain and can have a debilitating effect on your mental and physical health. It can affect people of all ages but is more common in teens and young adults.

We strongly believe that you shouldn't be left alone with depression. Together with the right medication, therapy can be a powerful tool in overcoming depression.

When should I call?

There is a constant feeling of void and lack of meaning in life.

There has been an actual diagnosis of depression.

● You feel you are too heavy to perform everyday activities.

There is no joy or interest in anything, even in things that used to make you happy.

● Sleep disruptions.


Common disorders

Eating Behavior Problems

Food, together with sleep and rest is a basic human need that plays important role in

Eating disorders are mental health disorders that can be life-threatening. In most cases, eating disorders manifest in severe problems with thoughts about food, eating behaviors, and nutrition overall.

More often than not, eating disorders are a symptom of an underlying mental health condition or past trauma.

When should I see a therapist?

Your life seems to revolve around food and only food.

You have lost or gained a considerable amount of weight.

You feel anxious and stressed.

Your condition is affecting your daily life.

● Your weight and food are the only things on your mind.


Reasons to see a therapist:
